Without doubts, Importation is a very lucrative business, more especially in African countries which rely more on consumption that production. In this training, I would show you the A-Z of importation, so that you will join others make profit. You can join us by clicking the button below

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1. China/Turkey Importation
You will learn how to source/buy quality products likes bags, shoes, jewelries, kitchen gadgets, Phone accessories, utensils among others directly from supplier.
You will also learn how to get suppliers contacts yourself, chat suppliers, ask for product customization, additional negotiate price
2. How To Do Procurement Agency
Hope you know procurement is lucrative business too?
We will show you how to give quotation to your clients in a standard format.
As an experienced procurement agent, I assure you that you can earn upto $100/month doing just procurement.
3. Alipay
Alipay is a wallet designed for you to pay your supplier.
So, we will show you how to setup and verify your alipay account, source for Alipay funds(RMB/Yuan) and pay your suppliers
In addition to that, we will show you how to make money buying and selling this China currency digitally

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